Das CSR koordiniert und fördert die Weltraumforschung in der Schweiz. Dazu unterhält sie Kontakte zu internationalen Organisationen. Über die Bestrebungen in der Schweizer Weltraumforschung erstattet das CSR alle zwei Jahre ausführlich Bericht.mehr

Bild: ESOmehr

Financial Support

The Swiss Committee for Space Research can provide some (small) funding for activities directly related to space research such as:

  • The representation of Swiss Space Research interests at meetings, in various committees, and/or consortia related to instrument building or mission planing
  • To support travel expenses of junior scientists for attending international meetings related to space sciences
  • To attend schools directly related to space sciences (such as the Alpbach summer school for example).

To apply, please send a written application to the President outlining the purpose of the support and a short budget. The Committee will review the applications about twice a year (spring and fall).


Swiss Committee on Space Research (CSR)
c/o Prof. Dr Stéphane Paltani
Universität Genf
Department of Astronomy
Chemin d'Ecogia 16
1290 Versoix